I am an Assistant Professor at Purdue University in the Computer Science Department and co-founder of the PurSec Lab.
My research interests span the domains of software and systems security. Specifically, I am currently focusing on enhancing the security of edge devices, such as smartphones, IoT devices, drones, and embedded systems.
Within this area, my work is dedicated to designing and developing innovative automated methodologies and tools that identify vulnerabilities, remediate them, and prevent future occurrences. To achieve these goals, I have developed novel techniques in program analysis, binary analysis, fuzzing, reverse engineering, program repair, and binary patching. Additionally, I have performed several user studies, involving both developers and end-users, to evaluate the usability of the proposed solutions.
As a core member of the Shellphish, OOO , and Nautilus teams, I played and organized many security competitions (CTFs), and I won the third place at the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge.
I am looking for interns, PhD students, and Postdocs working in the areas of Mobile Authentication, IoT, Trustzone, and Binary Analysis. Please contact me if you are interested.
PhD in Computer Science, 2018
UC Santa Barbara
MSc in Computer Science, 2012
University of Illinois at Chicago
MSc in Computer Engineering, 2012
Politecnico di Milano